Emergency Lighting
Emergency Lighting
DTF Electrical Contractors are specialist emergency lighting consultants and cover all aspects from design, install and testing and auditing to companies across the whole of the UK.
Do businesses and public buildings require their emergency lights to be tested?
YES! As emergency lights are installed to assist in evacuating a building in the event of loss of supply to the mains lighting circuits. These emergency lights should still operate for 3 hours on a battery back-up and must be checked regularly to ensure they will work for the required duration in the case of an emergency. If they fail the test they should be replaced immediately to remain complaint for both legal and insurance reasons
Legal requirements
Landlords, employers or occupiers have a legal and moral duty under the “Fire Precaution (Workplace) Regulations 1999” and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to carry out an annual risk assessment of their premises to ensure in the event of an emergency the safe escape of the buildings.
All emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in case lighting fails. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that these systems are suitably maintained and tested to ensure they are safe and compliant. All emergency lighting systems should now be installed, tested and inspected in accordance with BS5266-1.
Where are emergency lights required?
Emergency lights are required in all areas where artificial lighting is installed including:
Who should carry out the work?
Emergency Lighting Testing should only be carried out by a fully qualified and experienced test engineer, such as a fully qualified electrician who has experience of test and inspection and has been trained and qualified in electrical inspection work specifically.
What is the procedure for testing?
The test required is a simulated mains failure to the light unit for the duration of the hourly rating (1-3 hours). It requires that every circuit supplying an emergency light is isolated to demonstrate that the internal battery in the emergency fittings keeps the exits illuminated during a power failure. Each light is inspected to ensure it operates correctly and that the lamp inside is sound. The engineer will also ensure that there are a sufficient number of lights and check all fittings are correct.
How much will it cost?
Costs will depend on a number of factors such as:
Call DTF Electrical Contractors Limited today on 07851951553 for a FREE quotation.